APA Classic & Equipped Bench Only Nationals 2024


Sat 07 Dec 2024 10:00 — 18:00

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Sat 09 Nov 2024 23:00.

This is a qualifying event for 2025 International Bench Only competitions. 

Entry Criteria

All applications to the Australian Powerilfting Alliance (APA) Bench Only Nationals event must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a current member of the APA
  2. Not serving an Anti-Doping rule violation sanction
  3. Compete in the qualification window and meet the qualifying criteria detailed in this document
  4. Not be serving a sanction or be under investigation for a breach of IPF, APA constitution, policies or bylaws
  5. Not be a member of another powerlifting federation

Qualification & Entry Process

Primary selection

All APA competitors who are eligible and who have met the qualifying total for their weight class
will be able to enter the event. Refer to pages 2-5 of the document for qualifying totals.

  • Eligible entrants must meet the relevant qualifying total between 12 months out and 6
    weeks out from the event.
  • Competitors may also enter the national event in advance of doing a qualifying event. I.e
    the event falls within the registration window. These special entries will be marked and
    reviewed to ensure standards have been met once the qualifying event has been attended.
  • Competitors may use 3-lift competitions to qualify.
Weight class change

Competitors are able to qualify for Bench Only Nationals in the weight class they competed in
when attaining a qualifying total, and also one (1) weight class above.

  • The qualifying total must be met for the registered class.


Please familiarise yourself with the following documentation:

Competition Details

Meet Director: David Hoffman, David@performotion.net

Maximum entrants: 120

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